As I started to develop the foundation for the podcast, I wanted to make sure I was not just about talking about change and overcoming obstacles in our lives. While conversations can be inspiring, I wanted this to also be about giving you real world opportunities to challenge yourself, and to be uncomfortable. I’ve found that it’s only in those moments of challenge that we have a fighting chance to make positive changes to our mindset, our physiology, our health and wellbeing. That all rolls into our ability to make a dent in the world.

So, this week we’re going to experiment by launching the first episode of segments we'll call 'Your Bravest Life' which are dedicated to helping you take your game to the next level. This one will require that you find a quiet space, so if you listen to the podcast during your commute or during a run or workout, press pause and come back to this when you’re not required to be active in your world.

We had such an amazing response to last week’s podcast featuring Lauren Bongiorno. I hope you caught that interview, but if you haven't listened to that episode yet, do yourself a huge favor and check it out. Lauren was such a dynamic guest and we got pretty deep on topics including nutrition, exercise, yoga and the focus for today’s podcast, which is meditation.

I’ve spoken previously about my history with meditation and mindfulness. If you’re interested, check out the interview I did with Cyrus Khambatta on the Mastering Diabetes YouTube page. But, the reality is that meditation and mindfulness holds tremendous benefits for all of us.

There’s a growing body of scientific literature exploring the brain and how it actually has the ability to change for the better through the practice of meditation. And not only does the brain change, but a consistent meditation practice will also positively impact your blood pressure, your heart rate, and even lead to changes that will positively impact your blood glucose levels.

In this episode, and first installment of ‘Your Bravest Life’, Lauren Bongiorno leads us all on a guided meditation that will undoubtedly help you connect with yourself on a much deeper level. 


Social Media Links

Lauren Bongiorno on Instagram - @lauren_bongiorno


Websites Mentioned in Podcast

Lauren’s Website -

Craig's interview with Cyrus Khambatta, PhD - Mastering Diabetes


Resources on Meditation & Mindfulness

Herbert Benson, MD - The Relaxation Response

Jon-Kabat Zinn, PhD - Full Bio and Links to Resources

Richard Davidson, PhD - Brain Research & Meditation

Mind & Life Institute - Science & Contemplative Practice


Music Credits for BRAVEST Episode 008

Intro music - Podington Bear, 'Sepia' & The Passion HiFi, 'Sweet Revenge'

Meditation music - Podington Bear, 'Dry Air'

Outtro music - Joakim Karud, 'That Day'