episode 048

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There’s been a lot of craziness in our world as of late and most of us are going through some real pain. Some of us have experienced sickness, some of us have lost someone close, and some of us have felt the negative impacts of COVID-19 on our business or income. Ultimately, it all amounts to us feeling like we have zero control over our lives at this point in time.

One concept that keeps circling in my head is the importance of controlling what can be controlled. It’s that concept that plays heavily in this conversation with Nick Heath.

It’s not likely that the information we cover in this episode is going to cure our collective issues as a global society. But the concepts Nick shares represent a critical method to regain some control over our physiological and psychological state. At a minimum, this will serve as a launching point to a better world considering the weight of stress we are all currently under.

In this conversation, Nick and I discuss his early life with type 1 diabetes, his passion for the art and science of breathing, as well as his recent 100-mile ruck in support of the non-profit Health and Human Performance Foundation.

donate to the health & human performance foundation.


Nick’s Website – www.thebreathingdiabetic.com

Nick’s Instagram - @thebreathingdiabetic

Health & Human Performance Foundation – www.HHP-Foundation.org

Restoring Prana, Robin Rothenberg, et al.

The Relaxation Response, Herbert Benson, MD

Research Studies Discussed:

Nature Publication here

Damage or Dysfunction study here

The nose activating the olfactory bulb, which influences the amygdala, potentially showing a link to emotional control, here

Increased brain blood flow from intermittent hypoxia, study here

The therapeutic range of intermittent hypoxia, study here

Intermittent hypoxia helps immune function, study here

Mouth breathing increases upper airway resistance during sleep and increases OSA, study here

Inhale/exhale ratio study here

Nasal nitric oxide study here

Nasal nitric oxide, answer to gravity study here

Music credit - Friday, The Passion HiFi